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Waite Room Schedule


Hampton Center Waite Weigtht Room Policy

Risk/Liability: By entering the Hampton Center Waite Room, you assume all liability and risk of personal and/or accidental injury as well as loss of personal items.

Additional Policies:

  • You must be a current Graceland student, faculty or staff member to use the weight room. Exemptions will be considered by Graceland Athletic Administration.
  • Weights and equipment are to be properly loaded as well as unloaded and racked in their proper place.
  • Sanitization of all equipment used is required.
  • Proper workout attire is to be utilized (no sandals/flip flops, shirt and shoes at all times etc.)
  • Do not excessively drop weights, including the use of platforms and rubber plates
  • Music is to be played in headphones - unless with a Coach scheduled workout using Gametime Neptune music system

Failure to follow any of these policies can result in the loss of Hampton Center Waite Room privileges


Immediately report all accidents, injuries and equipment failure to the Athletic Facilities Coordinator, Brad Payne at


If you have additional question, please reach out to the Athletic Facilities Coordinator, Brad Payne at