Men’s Outdoor Track and field Completed the DeBacker Invitational

Men’s Outdoor Track and field Completed the DeBacker Invitational

Cedar Rapids, Iowa – Graceland University Men's Outdoor Track and Field team would take on the DeBacker Invitational hosted by Mount Mercy University.

The Yellowjackets would have 12 place top ten and nine place top five. In first place, Alex Tuyo Triple Jump (13.00m), Robert Robinson in the 200-Meter Dash (22.57) and Caden Israel Pole Vault (3.75m) – SB. In second place, Graceland 'A' in the 4x100-Meter Relay (42.55) and Joseph Alexander in the Long Jump (6.86m). Alex Tuyo finished third in the 400-Meter Hurdles (59.56). In fifth place, Davy Bancey in the 400-Meter Hurdles (1:02.52), Cam Edwards in the Javelin Throw (35.71m) and Dantre Kennybrew in the Long Jump (6.48m)

Up Next:
The Men's Outdoor Track and Field Team will be back on Friday, April 26 when they travel to the Viking Classic.

100-Meter Dash
7 - Malachi Heywood (11.27)
10 - Tymar West (11.48)

200-Meter Dash
1 - Robert Robinson (22.57)
18 - Tyson Mcdole (24.58)
21 - Tymar West (25.04)

400-Meter Dash
17 - Tyson Mcdole (54.69)

400-Meter Hurdles
3 - Alex Tuyo (59.56)
5 - Davy Bancey (1:02.52)

1500-Meter Run
24 - Alexander Kalbach (5:03.92)

Discus Throw
16 - Deandre Scott (35.06m) - PR
20 - Luke Hass (32.63m) - PR

Hammer Throw
22 - Frankie Vigil (33.36m)
24 - Jase Latham (30.69m)

High Jump
6 - Dantre Kennybrew (1.85m)

Javelin Throw
5 - Cam Edwards (35.71m)

Long Jump
2 - Joseph Alexander (6.86m)
5 - Dantre Kennybrew (6.48m)

Pole Vault
1 - Caden Israel (3.75m) - SB

Shot Put
13 - Deandre Scott (12.86m)
21 - Jase Latham (11.59m)
25 - Luke Hass (9.79m)
27 - Frankie Vigil (9.42m)

Triple Jump
1 - Alex Tuyo (13.00m)

4x100-Meter Relay
2 – Graceland 'A' (42.55) - Monday, Tuyo, Robinson, Heywood